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What is Robot Cache?

The upstart, called Robot Cache, is building the first online store where gamers can sell “used” copies of their digital computer games once done playing… Steam alternatives are cropping up all over the place, so let’s throw one more into the ring.

Could Robot Cache be a competitor to steam?

A company called Robot Cache plans an interesting product that amounts to a competitor to Steam, the popular digital game marketplace run by Valve. The big wrinkle: Its creators say it will let users resell games using a proprietary digital currency, with their transactions tracked on the blockchain. Read More »

How will Fargo's Robot Cache work?

Fargo’s new company Robot Cache will create a digital PC games platform, just like Valve’s Steam digital distribution service, but it will give game publishers and developers about 95 percent of the proceeds from game sales, rather than just 70 percent as Steam and others do.

Does Robot Cache have a form 1SA?

Investor Update - Q3 2023 Hello Robot Cache Investors, We are pleased to report that we have filed our annual Form 1-SA summarizing the first six months of 2023. Below is a link to the .pdf

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